VibroAcoustic Therapy
Feel the healing power of sound!
Ancient traditions recognized vibration and sound as an important method for returning to balance and healing. Sound waves move through water at least five times more efficiently than through air. The human body accounts for 50-65% water, making the human body a receptive vessel for vibroAcoustic input.
VibroAcoustic Therapy uses low frequencies and therapeutic music delivered through speakers called transducers that are embedded into our massage table. As you have contact with embedded speakers, and the music is sent to the transductors it is felt by the body as vibration and heard by the ears as sound. This vibroAcoustic input stimulates the nerve bundles along the spine and up into the brain stem. The sound stimulates the medulla in the brain stem and activates the auditory nerve that connects with all the muscles of the body. This causes the body to relax and flood the brain with mood-enhancing chemicals. These low frequencies also cause relaxation of the tissues, dilation of blood vessels, and open the lymphatic pathways allowing an increase in the body's healing process.
A few of the positive responses to VibroAcoustic Therapy may include:
Lower Blood Pressure
Reduce Pain
Reduce Anxiety
Increased Limbic System Regulation
Increased Circulation
Shortened Healing Periods
Increased Sleep Quality